

    • Worked on many React & Angular projects which utilized JavaScript and TypeScript
    • Developed and tested Solidity smart contracts for a project in the crypto philantropy space
    • Developed a Cairo learning track on Exercism and implemented Cairo smart contract examples for "Starknet By Example".
    • Used advanced C# features and design patterns to create code that’s as efficient as possible
    • Developed Web-Apps using ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core
    • Experience improving the efficiency of T-SQL View creation queries and cutting their execution time
    • Configured and used both the GraphQL clients and GraphQL endpoints on multiple ASP.NET and Angular projects
    • Created a console BlackJack game
    • Created and enhanced several file/folder managing scripts for automating some personal daily PC maintenance
    • Acquired a solid grasp of Python basics
    • Automated repetitive tasks like creation of test coverage reports
    • Created Azure infrastructure (using the Az Module)

Frontend Frameworks

    • Developed an innovative solution in the crypto philantropy space
    • Developed multiple complex web portals included implementing functionalities with authentication and authorization enabled
    • Improved the efficiency of HTTP calls by almost 70% by refactoring them to use the appropriate RxJS functions and improving page load times using the same methods
    • Quality improvements gained by appropriate test coverage are immeasurable.
    • Hands-on experience utilizing the full range of Redux Toolkit services for optimizing HTTP calls, state management and caching.
    • Implemented and maintained an NgRx store for an Angular project

Backend Frameworks

    • Developed multiple services in complex microservice architecture systems while maintaining high microservice availability
    • Experience in “Clean Architecture” based microservice architectures
    • Responsible for designing clean services and creating design templates for others to follow to ensure easier maintenance and an easier addition of new functionalities
    • Creation of multiple middlewares as libraries packaged into NuGet packages for easier reuse by numerous microservices
    • Developed unit and functional tests to provide the highest code quality
    • Utilized Test-Driven Development for adequate development and test coverage
    • Experience troubleshooting and bug fixing of .NET Framework and .NET Core applications
    • Developed many database schemas for different microservices using Code-First approach and Migrations
    • Optimized DbContext operations using SQL profiler
    • Developed Test project design and configuration templates for other teams and team members to follow in order to make their development easier
    • Experience configuring Test projects to be in accordance with “Clean Architecture”
    • Extensive experience configuring the Rebus package for asynchronous message-based communication between components of the system by making use of the Azure Service Bus
    • Knowledge of configuring authentication and authorization using Rebus
    • Configured sensible unit and functional tests for Rebus based functionalities
    • Created of configuration templates for other teams and team members to follow to ensure the best “Clean Architecture” principles were followed across all teams
    • Successfully found ways to configure many frameworks/libraries to work with Autofac despite the fact most of them weren’t made to be easily configured with it

Cloud Technologies

    • Deployed applications by utilizing App Services
    • Developed Azure Functions in .NET Core, JavaScript and PowerShell using both the Azure portal and a local IDE
    • Developed, troubleshot and maintained numerous Logic Apps
    • Developed and utilized of Azure Storage Account services by using SDK, portal and the command line
    • Worked with Service Bus, Event Grid and EventHub as a part of the Event-driven architecture
    • Developing and deployment of Azure service using ARM templates
    • Configured Application Insights for logs
    • Utilized a full range of AWS services to develop a serverless app, including lambdas, DynamoDB, API gateway, SQS, CloudWatch etc.
    • Extensive experience with git
    • Hands-on experience with creating CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions and Webhooks
    • Published websites using GitHub Pages
    • Experience using range of Firebase functionalities like deploying an application, creating and maintaining the database, configuring authentication and authorization