I don’t like to define myself by the work I’ve done. I define myself by the work I want to do. Skills can be taught, personality is inherent. I prefer to keep learning, continue challenging myself, and do interesting things that matter.

I love creating software. But it's not just "love" that I have - I also have extensive experience in every phase of development from designing and implementing the software solution to setting up the deployment pipeline (with Frontend development sprinkled into the "experience mix"). When I'm not working on a commercial or a personal side-project, I'm usually juggling all of the different things I want to learn and do and trying to figure out what of those things will I give my attention to next.

Ever since I was a kid I loved solving puzzles. When I grew up a bit I fell in love with mathematics - I saw math problems as simple (and quite often NOT so simple) puzzles to be solved. Since I also loved computers, getting into creating software was a natural next step in life.
For me the satisfaction of solving a difficult problem is a reward in and of itself. Experience gained thereafter is a more-than-welcome bonus.

Love it or hate it, but having Full Stack development knowledge is nowadays a requirement - a modern Software Developer needs to have a good understanding of all aspects of building and maintaining a software product, be it writing Backend code, deploying the app to the Cloud, managing the Database and in the end even some Frontend knowledge is necessary.

I'm a team player, friendly and willing to do whatever helps move the project forward. Working with other talented Software Developers helped me grow in both Backend and Frontend development, not to mention that it made me some good friends and colleagues.

I love taking on the hardest tasks for the sheer challenge of it. Learning new things not just in software development, but in life in general is what brings a smile to my face :)